Friday, August 2, 2013

Genesis 6: Just Like Noah

Well, if you've ever wondered if God has a heart, here's your answer in Genesis 6. Check out verse 6: "The Lord was sorry that he had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart."
There it is. God was grieved in His heart. So, yes, God has a heart. A heart so real and soft that it can be grieved, and it surely was.
Have you ever invested so much in a dream and then watched that dream turn into a nightmare?
Have you ever wanted only good for someone you deeply love and then had that person completely misunderstand, ignore, betray and abandon you?
Have you ever watched someone close to you make choices that wrecked their lives?
Have you ever felt rejected by every single person in your world except one friend -- one true friend -- who believed in you, stood by you and sacrificed their own reputation to defend you?
If so, you understand how God may have been feeling here in Genesis 6.
Wow, just a few pages ago, God seemed quite delighted by all He had made. "It was good," He said. Now, four chapters later, He was sorry He'd made it. Things went south in a hurry on this fallen planet.
We may sometimes look around and think our world is going to hell in a handbasket, but we've never seen the kind of evil that had taken over in the days of Genesis 6.
"Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually." (Verse 5)
Evil on steroids. Worse than bad.
So, we read these tragic words: "The Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth ..." (vs. 6)
God's perfect, glorious, loving intentions for His cherished creatures had gone unrealized because He had given man the freedom and dignity to choose ... or not choose ... to live in relationship with Him.
We read in Genesis 6 that only one man -- just ONE -- chose to walk with God at this point in time. The rest went their own way, and their own way was evil. (Selfish and bad are the default settings in a fallen world.)  
Noah was that one who chose God's way over his own: "But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord  ... Noah was a righteous man, blameless in His time; Noah walked with God."
Noah -- a tiny, tiny flicker of light in the vast, smothering darkness of a thoroughly evil world. But God saw the tiny flicker, and He loved that flicker, and He saved it, and fanned it. And here I am (and you too, I hope) -- millions of flickers of light who have chosen God's way, just like Noah did.
And here we are, just like Noah, in a world that is far too evil.
And here we are, just like Noah, with a chance to bless the heart of God by accepting the righteousness that comes through faith in Jesus Christ, by being blameless in our time, by walking with God.
But, unlike Noah, we don't have to build an ark to escape the coming, just wrath of God. He 's already provided a lifeboat: Jesus.
All who climb aboard and trust Him will be saved.
Just like Noah.

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